Customer Edit Screen - The Account Number prompt

Customer Edit Screen

If you type a valid account number, that is to say an account number that has been used, the record associated with that number will be displayed and the cursor will be at the Edit prompt. --Press ESC ESC to return to the Account Number prompt.

Leading zeros do not have to be entered.

New accounts can be created as follows:

Type NEW -- and the System will get the next available number.

Type ##### (an actual account number) -- and the System will assume you typed an actual number you want to use. If the number is available the cursor will be at the next field. If the number was already in use the record associated with that number will be displayed and the cursor will be at the Edit prompt. -- Press ESC ESC to return to the Account Number prompt if the entry was not correct.

Type AA/ -- the System will use any letters or numbers in position AA as the first 2 digits and look for the next available number to use as the last 3 digits.

An example for using two alpha letters would be to categorize your accounts by State or?

WA/ would get the next number and make an account number such asWA065. If WA/ is used again for your next Washington account number it would be WA066, and so on.


Pressing the F2 key will be like typing NEW. The next available account number will be used.

Please Note: account numbers will go to the highest number possible and then go alphabetical. After 99999 will be 9999A, 9999B, etc. The System will announce that it is a 'NEW account' in the lower left corner of the screen. The cursor will be positioned at the Type prompt.

To accept the new account number, simply fill in all information available. To 'save' the record you must press the F2 key, either while 'in' the record or at the Edit prompt.

If you don't want to accept the account number or if you don't want to start a new account -- press ESC ESC -- to return to the account number prompt.

To search for NEXT or PREVIOUS accounts, use the UP/DOWN arrow at the Account number or Edit prompts.

To access the Personalization Screen press CTRL/W. (Hold the Ctrl key and press the W key).


Customer Edit Screen - Personalizing the Account

Customer Edit - Personalize the Account

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